Meet the people making Mockingbird Mockingbird

About the team

We are on a mission together

In the middle of Stockholm, Sweden, we’ve gathered a team of enthusiastic techy booklovers. Together we possess a great knowledge of both software development and book publishing.

With backgrounds from different industries we’re proud to be here, determined to create a more efficient, failproof and collaborative environment for the people in publishing. Addressing publishing related monotonous tasks and issues non to few does.

  • Jocke Ek

    Backend developer

  • Jonas Wadman

    Backend developer

  • Hanna Sahle

    Backend developer & architect

This is our legacy

In 2015, within the walls of Bonnierförlagen, we hatched and saw daylight for the first time. Up until then disappointing search for a system that could meet the needs and standards of the book publishing industry, had resulted in an in-house project to develop something of their own.

The word spread, and conversations were held with other publishing houses that had the same need to find a system to grow with. By 2017 Werner Söderström Ltd joined, at which point a decision to licence the system to competitors was made. It called for a rebranding process from which Mockingbird emerged. 

By 2022 we were ready to spread our wings. Norstedts Förlagsgrupp joined, and as of January 2022 the company Mockingbird Publishing Software AB was finally founded. Since then, our nest has grown bigger, including several publishing houses across different countries.

Our Offices

Ölandsgatan 53
116 63 Stockholm

(Honestly, it’s kind of a basement. But it’s our basement. So we love it.)

  • "Mockingbird is the workplace where you are heard. Where both my personal opinion and the needs of the team are taken into account. Where we create our journey together. For me, that possibility to participate in the decision making is a big reason why I love working here."

    - Nina Gripenborn, Product Owner

  • "Being part of a small company without politics, but which also has large customers, means that you really have the opportunity to influence both your own work and the industry in general. This is a workplace where you face fun challenges and have the opportunity to make a difference!"

    - Tobias Malmebo, Fullstack Developer

Hey, you

Ready for a new challenge? Take a look at our career opportunities at Mockingbird!

  • Rickard Steinholtz

    Frontend developer

  • Robert Zettinger

    Backend developer

  • Christopher Munkestam


  • Maria Gustafsson

    Project lead

Our Core Values

  • I connect with myself and those around me with curiosity and respect

  • I am honest and transparent in my actions and relationships

  • I strive to deliver solutions that exceeds customers' expectations and surpass the capabilities of competitors